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The Biology team consist of six teachers and two lab technicians working for both the Biology and Chemistry departments. The close collaboration that exists within the team, as well as with the Chemistry department is reflected in the fact that various teachers give lessons in both Biology and Chemistry.

We set great store on our lessons being close to life and presented in a clear and lively manner. Our modern specialised classrooms make it possible to hold versatile, digitally supported lessons and the practical work rooms are equipped with microscopes and binoculars meaning that students working in smaller groups are able to independently immerse themselves in unknown worlds. A wide range of animal and plant species live in and around our buildings. In addition, the department has a large collection of various materials, specimens and models which are used as often as possible in classroom lessons. Our overarching aim is to present the students with a broad range of contributions to their world view from a natural scientific point of view, to give them the best possible preparation for their future studies, to foster their joy in the world of living things and sensitise them for their preservation. 

Biology is taught as a basic subject to all students from the preparatory classes right through to the end of the fifth class of the Gymnasium. In the last three years of the upper school of the Gymnasium, Biology is also offered as part of the core subject Biology & Chemistry, and as the supplementary subject Biology.

Biology teachers

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